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Total Package
Total Package
An ensemble of Pom, Jazz, Kick, and Hip hop but does not have to be in any particular order. This performance is longer than other routines.

Required Elements
- The performance must include all styles of the following: Pom, Jazz, Kick, and Hip hop but does not have to be in any particular order.
- Performance time minimum is 2 mins and 45 seconds; maximum time limit is 3 mins and 30 seconds.
- Poms must be used for at least 15% of the entire performance. The use need not be consecutive and may include one or all members. The use need not be consecutive and may include one or all members. The calculation is made by dividing the Pom Use Time by the Total Performance Time.
- The routine must include a minimum of one turn, one leap and one jump.
- The routine must have a minimum of 20 kicks.
Potential Penalties
- A routine with less than 80% pom use will result in a 1-pt penalty for each 10 seconds.
- A routine with less than the minimum required technical elements will result in 3-pt penalty for each missing element (jump, turn, leap).
- A routine with less than the minimum required kicks will result in a 3-pt penalty.
- A dropped pom or item is a 1 point deduction for each infraction.
- Exceeding or not meeting time requirements will result in a 1-pt penalty per each 10 seconds.
Helpful Hints
Variety of elements can be achieved by the following:
- Level changes incorporating pom use
- Group work incorporating pom use
- Type of arm positions
- Directional changes while using poms (movement L to R, front to back, crossing, etc.)
- Pom "pictures"/Punch-outs/Ripples
- Colors and Size
Difficulty of elements can be achieved by the following:
- Changing the tempo of motions
- Increasing the number of body parts used to complete a motion
- Increasing the number of motions within a precision sequence
- Complexity of the movements within precision sequence
- Increasing the number of performers executing a precision Sequence
- Traveling while executing a precision sequence
Creativity is defined as the following:
- The extent to which basic pom moves, combinations and visual effects are used in unusual ways.
- Consider how "old" pom visuals may be revamped in an interesting "new" way or debut a totally different concept.
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