Division & Team Sizes
Division & Team Sizes

Division I Team
High School, Recreational, All Star teams (typical age groups in grades 9-12)
Experienced/Advanced teams with successful ability to complete double/triple pirouettes, fouettes, dance combinations, faster paced movements and music, etc.; teams that have been competing for several years and have had some measure of success.
Division II Team
High School, Recreational, All Star teams (typical age groups in grades 9-12)
Intermediate experienced teams with successful ability to complete single/double pirouettes, spot light on dance combinations, medium to fast pace movement and music; teams that have been developed over time but not at an advanced level.
Division III Team
High School, Middle School and Junior Teams (grades 6-12)
Recreational/All Star Teams (ages 10-17)
New to dance and competition, developing the confidence and technical skills to become a Division II team.
Youth Division
Recreational Teams (ages 5-11)
Elementary School Teams (grades 3-5)
Exhibition Division
Teams Ages 6 and under OR any team wishing to preform in order to gain experience on the floor
Teams will not be eligible for placement trophies or qualify for championships
Teams can request judges critiques (no score) for a nominal fee.
Additional Information
With recommendations from MAPDA, the team itself makes the designation of division at the beginning of each season and cannot move down once the designation has been made.
Teams will be in the same division for each of the dance categories.
If two teams from the same school compete, the teams must be totally separated (team members and coaches) in order to compete and should not compete in the same dance category.
MAPDA reserves the right to move a team up, regardless if they have placed first at championships the year before.
Once a team moves to Division I, it will remain there for at least three (2) competitive season.
Group Sizes
Small Group
A team that fields 4-8 dancers on the floor for a single routine in one category
Large Group
A team that fields 9+ dancers on the floor for a single routine in one category
A large group cannot consist of dancers from different divisions.
No team/school can enter more than one group per category, per division